Reading Board for Phase II


Assessments for 2007 were mailed out before Christmas to ensure everyone receives their notification before the start of 2007.

Assessments for 2007 remain unchanged at $300.  Please ensure your payment is postmarked no later than January 31, 2007 to avoid penalties and late fees.

An important paragraph was left off of the final assessment printing relating to the issue of waivers.  As you recall, at the last Annual Members meeting in October the members voted to reaffirm the previous use of waivers.  The paragraph that was left out of the Assessment notification is printed below.  If you have any questions please contact a Director or Officer of the Association.

"One Association Assessment fee is due from every Phase II tax parcel unless you have had a waiver originally issued in the 80’s.  In that case, the Assessment is waived."

Our apologies for the missing paragraph.